Planning is one of the surest ways of tackling issues related to the conservation and sustainable development of resources. It ensures that the physical environment is safeguarded and that the future needs of people and the economy are met. It reduces wastage and enhances efficiency, and thereby increases the quality of life. The DTCP has been setup for ensuring the same.

Planning approvals are required before a building is constructed or an existing structure expanded. The Directorate of Town and country planning (DTCP) is the statutory body that grants such approvals. DTCP is responsible for statutory development control administration, urban infrastructure development and town planning and urban design. Planning applications for all development types from domestic to commercial to industrial to institutional, are all handled by this statutory authority.

The Department of Planning and Development looks after the planning and development of towns and cities.The development is achieved through Master Plans prepared for the urban centers and rural areas by way of Master Plans and indicative Land Use Plans.

Development plans are prepared by the Department. If a plan is drawn up, approved, and then implemented, it will be called “planned development.” It is achieved by using buildings and zoning regulations, as well as by the approval of industrial institutions.

Steps for getting planning permission from Directorate of Town & Country (DTCP) planning approval Tamilnadu

In order to apply for planning permission, one has to decide the land use, provide the plans and details of the proposed building, and accommodate the provisions and restrictions stated in the bye-law.

  • Getting Permission
  • Types of Permission
  • Applying for Permission
  • Approval

The Tamil Nadu DTCP is a statutory body which has been working as per policy directives of the Housing and Urban Development Department, Government of India.

To get a new development or structure approved, developers must first apply to the local planning authority, which in this case is the Directorate of Town and Country Planning. Building permission is granted for a variety of reasons, including changes to the form of a building, extensions, or new additions.

Generally, DTCP issues the Planning approval in Tamil Nadu for Public Buildings, Private Buildings, Industrial Buildings, Commercial Buildings, and Proposed Roads. The Building Constructions are also permitted by the DTCP. The Building Constructions are also permitted by the DTCP.

What does DTCP Planning permission require?

  • DTCP is a program that is monitored by the Department of Town & Country Planning.
  • The purpose of the program is to bring about development in urban and rural areas.

For any planning and development, DTCP approval has to be obtained.

  • Proposals are first assessed.
  • The Department of Town & Country Planning will then scrutinize the application.
  • The Department of Town & Country Planning will give its approval or reject the proposal.
  • If the Department of Town & Country Planning approves the application.
  • The proposal will then be marked for final submission.
  • If the Department of Town & Country Planning rejects the application, the concerned party may rectify any errors and apply again


Getting Planning Permission.

  • In order to apply for planning permission, you should first get a zone plan drawn up.
  • A zone plan is a map which shows the boundaries and limits of a proposed development.
  • The zone plan will be prepared by a professional surveyor.
  • The zone plan will include details of the proposed development, the boundaries, the zones, the roads, the heights and the size and type of the building etc.
  • The zone plan will be submitted to the Department of Town & Country Planning.
  • They will send a copy of the zone plan to the regional officer.
  • The Department of Town & Country Planning will then scrutinize the proposal.
  • If the zone plan is passed, the application will be sent to the Department of Town & Country Planning.
  • The regional officer will prepare an application for the development to be submitted for approval.
  • The proposal will then be marked for final submission.
  • The Department of Town & Country Planning will process the application.

In summary, to get planning approval, you need to 1. Apply for planning permission. 2. Complete the formalities and obtain the acknowledgment. 3. Follow-up with  for the further communication. 4. Take the printout for submission at the Municipal Office.

 For a hassle free DTCP Planning permission Approval process, 


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