Are you thinking of buying a home in Chennai, Tamil Nadu? Chennai is a bustling metropolitan city with a booming economy and booming real estate market. But before you invest in property in Chennai, you must obtain CMDA Approval.

CMDA permission is required before any construction or renovations in a development zone. The permission process is done through the submission of two plans. The first is the site plan. The site plan is a sketch of the location and the extent of construction in the development zone. The second plan is the building plan. The building plan is a detailed plan of the building or structure which is proposed.

There are several different types of CMDA permission. 

As long as the developer has submitted a site plan with all the information required , CMDA approval can be obtained. The purpose of CMDA consent is to make sure that the development zone and the local community is taken into consideration.

CMDA approval is also required when a developer wants to make changes to a building or structure in a development zone.

What is the benefit of CMDA permission?

The CMDA permission process ensures that a developer is presenting all the information required in order to be granted the permission. It also ensures that the developer is compliant with local regulations.

If the development zone is zoned for residential development, then most developments will require CMDA permission.

Under the act, any development which necessitates altering of land, structures or surface by various means including, but not limited to, building, construction, demolition, improvement, alteration, conversion, renovation, reconstruction, repair, remodeling, landscaping, landscaping, planting and re-vegetation requires an approval.

Approvals are issued after detailed surveys and investigations are carried out. The proposals are then referred to an Inspectors.  The Inspectors are required to issue an approval after considering the recommendations.

The  Inspectors conducts surveys, investigations, collects information and prepares reports. 

The Inspectors reviews the proposals and prepares reports. The Inspectors reviews certain areas including, but not limited to, fire and emergency services, drainage, traffic, water supply and sanitation. The fees vary depending upon the area and the type of development. The development panel fees vary depending upon the location of the proposal and the development of the proposal. The fees vary depending on the nature of the proposal.

Application Process

Applications for  approvals must be made in the prescribed forms. The forms can be submitted to CMDA. The  Inspectors will issue the approval after considering the proposal.

In this guide we have covered why you need permission to start a development project in a CMDA area.

We have looked at who applies for permission and what the process involves.

In conclusion, the  process can take 6-8 weeks. The application process is complex, and applicants can find it challenging to meet the requirements. 

For a hassle free CMDA Approval process, contact


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